Heroes and villains

When it comes to the truth about climate change, scientists are the good guys.  Established climate science can afford to be the good guys because it is not reliant on the financial support of the fossil fuel companies.  The bad guys are the oil companies.  They, along with the other fossil fuel companies, deny the truth because, as corporate entities, they want to maintain their influence and wealth, and the appropriate steps necessary to stop global warming would diminish these companies greatly.

The point is, whenever you want to determine who is the champion of truth, look for the motivations of money.

Medical scientists are desperately using the public relations ploy of identifying with the truth championship of the climate scientists.  Their strategy is that since climate scientists are so highly regarded, they can bulldoze the public's opinion by inferring that Science is always the good guy and that those who disagree with it are always the villains.

Vaccines have destroyed some children.  Not many, but some.  The evidence is incontrovertible.  The devastating regressive autism that has befallen some children since the beginning of the use of mercury in vaccines had never been seen before, and the coincident timing of the onset of the condition with the administration of the vaccines is too apparent to deny.

Yet deny is what the medical scientists are doing.  Why do they deny?  Because medical science is utterly dependent on pharmaceutical companies.  If the pharmaceutical companies who manufactured those vaccines were to admit that their products were the cause of the downfall of these children, or even if established medical science were to come forward with truthful evidence-based science, those pharmaceutical companies would be sued out of existence.  The entire assets of these companies would have to be used for the lifetime care of these children.  The companies would perish, a tragedy for the large stockholders but not for society as a whole.  New companies would quickly emerge to take their place.

But the largest, most mind-blowing, staggering, victimization of huge numbers of humanity scam is the AIDS deniers, those scientists who deny that AIDS is not caused by a virus.  There is no good evidence whatsoever that a retrovirus can negatively impact the immune system to any clinically significant degree.  This is a subject that requires a much more lengthy explanation, which would require another post, but suffice it to say for now that not just the continued grants and contracts to the researchers and pharmaceutical companies is at stake, but the very solvency of those companies and their dependent science institutions is threatened.  Again, the money concern creates the liars.

I would not "March For Science".  While the scientific method is perpetually noble, Big Science is thoroughly woven into our capitalistic economy, and, as such, is no more honorable than Wall Street considered as a single entity.  Only a thorough and accurate case-by-case examination of every controversial issue can establish who is the informed hero and who is the ignorant or self-interested villain.


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